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RESOLUTION NO. 06-158 Authorizing the transfer of the monetary grant and trophy awarded to NCC by NACO to CRDC



WHEREAS, Claymont, an unincorporated area in northern New Castle County (“the County”), was once a thriving and vigorous community but over the past several decades had succumbed to the negative physical and social impacts caused by post World War II development, devolving into a region marked by sprawl and pockets of blight; and

WHEREAS, in an effort to revitalize their community, a dedicated group of citizens from Claymont started meeting regularly in early 2000 to discuss how to re-create opportunities to live, shop, work, play and recreate in a safe, aesthetically pleasing village-like environment; said organizations and elected officials being the Claymont Community Coalition, the Claymont Historical Society, the Claymont Business Owners Association, the then-district representative Councilperson Robert S. Weiner who was later joined by Councilperson John J. Cartier after the area’s redistricting; and

WHEREAS, Councilman Weiner spearheaded the funding effort which raised over $300,000 of public and private funds to fund the 6 year planning effort and personally guided its progress, while working collaboratively with a public private partnerships of diverse stakeholders, who Councilman Weiner proposed to be called the Claymont Renaissance; which group received technical assistance and guidance from the New Castle County Land Use Department and Thomas Comitta, professional town planner; and after incorporation, the Claymont Renaissance Corporation Development (“CRDC”), organized for the purpose of developing and implementing strategies that increase the economic vitality of the Claymont community, enhance Claymont’s reputation as an attractive and desirable place to live, and build upon Claymont’s unique history and character to strengthen its role as a pedestrian friendly transit oriented mixed use village with a rich diverse cultural and social fabric; and

WHEREAS, five years of monthly meetings by the stakeholders of the Claymont Renaissance and after a successful visioning process that was initiated by the nationally respected Torti Gallas Group, retained by developer Commonwealth Setting Group, and working with the Claymont stakeholders and community, which involved design workshops held to shape a plan for a revitalized Claymont Center, in collaboration with the Department of Land Use, the CRDC sought and was granted the County’s first Hometown Overlay Zoning District by New Castle County Council, which allowed Claymont to create an individual community endorsed plan with design guidelines that supercede the County’s one-size-fits-all zoning and subdivision regulations; and which has become the first ever mandatory work-force housing project utilizing an inclusionary zoning voluntary agreement with the developer, which agreement was spearheaded by Councilman John Cartier and New Castle County, working collaboratively with developer Commonwealth/Setting Group; and

WHEREAS, upon application drafted by Jennifer Leister and DJ Guthrie-Carter of the New Castle County Land Use Department, the redevelopment and revitalization of Claymont came to the attention of National Association of Counties (“NACo”), a full service national organization created in 1935 that provides legislative, research, technical and public affairs assistance to county governments and ensures that the nation’s 3,066 counties are heard and understood on a federal level; and

WHEREAS, citing the Claymont Hometown Overlay District initiative, New Castle County was one of ten counties nationwide that was awarded the prestigious 2005-2006 Center for Sustainable Communities Award by NACo, an award that recognizes the most effective and innovative county-led partnerships with private sector, faith-based or community groups in developing economically prosperous, environmentally safe, and socially equitable communities; and

WHEREAS, the County was further one of three Outstanding Practice recipients to receive a $5,000.00 monetary grant in recognition of its accomplishments in sustainable community development, an award that spotlights a community’s achievements in hopes of inspiring others across the country to explore similar strategies to develop vibrant sustainable communities; and

WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Council, with support from the County Executive, to transfer both the monetary grant and the trophy for the 2005-2006 Center for Sustainable Communities Award to the CDRC, the organization that currently spearheads this extremely progressive project that provides its residents of all ages, ethnicities, and income the opportunity to live healthier lives in a village like setting by improving walkability, transit oriented design, preserving the communities history and culture, and opening the doors to economic opportunity.


Section 1. The County Council of New Castle County hereby authorizes the transfer both the $5,000.00 monetary grant and the trophy for the 2005-2006 Center for Sustainable Communities Award to the CDRC.

Section 2. This resolution will become effective immediately upon passage by County Council.

Adopted by County Council of
New Castle County on June 27, 2006

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  Brandywine Hundred County Library is open with socially distancing safe door-to-door delivery takeout service
  Walker's Bank deemed unsafe, will be demolished
  Councilman announces details of redevelopment at former AstraZeneca site
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Nancy Stone
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Friends of Bob Weiner is the political candidate committee that accepts contributions on behalf of New Castle County Councilman Robert S. Weiner.

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