News Articles
Claymont Renaissance Progress Reports
10/25/2013 - Claymont Library Grand Opening

Claymont Library Progress:
Photos of the Library from the 10/1/13 Special Services Committee meeting
Congress for the New Urbanism
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009
To: Bob Weiner
Subject: NEW: CNU Report on Emergency Response & Street Design
Dear Bob,
During the last 18 months you expressed interest in, or helped advance the Congress for the New Urbanism's Emergency Response & Street Design Initiative, which has united CNU members, fire marshals, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in finding better street designs that work for pedestrians, vehicles, and emergency responders' access needs.
The Initiative's team members found common ground between New Urbanists and the Fire Service: We all want more, and better connectivity because connected networks of traditional streets are safer, as they bolster effective emergency response.
We are therefore proud to share with you another of the Initiative's accomplishments: A CNU Report on Emergency Response & Street Design.
This 16-page report, which is attached, documents studies and examples of how and why traditional street networks are better for New Urbanism and emergency response, along with an overview of where cities and states are taking the lead in requiring connectivity. The Report is also available at the Emergency Response & Street Design Initiative page on CNU's web site.
Please feel free to share this report with your colleagues, and please join us at CNU17, Experiencing New Urbanism: The Convenient Remedy, June 10-14 in Denver, where this Initiative is one of many topics, tutorials and tours that will help you, and us, build better, more sustainable communities.
John Norquist
President & CEO
Aerial Photos of "Renaissance Village"
The Claymont Renaissance Village site (formerly known as Brookview) has been cleared and now construction will now commence. The aerial photos depict the strategic location of this mixed use compact walkable transit oriented traditional neighborhood design village. Click on the photos below to enlarge.

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