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Bob Weiner
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Long before Bob Weiner was elected by residents of Brandywine Hundred to represent them on New Castle County Council in 1996, he was a respected community leader. His association with -- and deep concern for -- our community goes back even further.

Bob Weiner - BHS Soccer 1965
Bob played varsity soccer at Brandywine from 1965 to 1968.

He moved here with his family at age 14, attended Forwood Junior High School and graduated, in the Class of '68, from Brandywine High School.

When he started his own family, after graduating from the University of Delaware and receiving his law degree from Temple University, he naturally chose to live in Brandywine Hundred.

Weiner helped reorganize the Council of Civic Organizations of Brandywine Hundred (CCOBH), a civic umbrella group representing over 80,000 residents. As CCOBH Zoning Chair (from 1985 to 1996) he developed an expertise in smart growth initiatives and a reputation for fighting to protect the interests of the community while at the same time supporting responsible development.

Through CCOBH, Weiner developed a special bond with the late Phil Cloutier, in whose campaigns for Lieutenant Governor, County Council President and State Representative he worked as a volunteer.

With Phil and other civic activists, Councilman Weiner helped spearhead many of the initiatives that are now a reality, such as the new Brandywine Hundred County Library.

Bob Weiner's commitment to civic involvement led to his decision to seek the office of New Castle County Councilman for the 2nd District in 1996. The district includes western Brandywine Hundred plus portions of Greenville and Claymont. During his tenure, Bob has fought against irresponsible development and also to upgrade our community's infrastructure, including sewer, drainage and transportation systems. Bob accepts no contributions from developers who profit from County Council decisions although such contributions are not illegal.

He continues his strong commitment to the community. Since his original election to County Council and re-election in 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, and 2014, Bob has authored numerous articles concerning land use issues which have appeared in publications throughout the State of Delaware and is regularly asked to speak on smart growth issues to national, professional, legal and civic groups.

Weiner served as New Castle County Council Land Use Committee Chair from 1996 to 2003. He sponsored and assisted in rewriting New Castle County’s land use, transportation and environmental protection laws as part of the New Castle County Unified Development Code, recognized nationally as one of the best smart growth codes in the country.

His current Council posts include membership on the Community Services Committee, Council Personnel Committee, Land Use Committee, Public Safety Committee, Finance Committee, Special Services Committee, and Executive Committee.

Councilman Weiner served as Chairman of the National Association of Counties' (NACo) Land Use and Growth Management Subcommittee from 2000 to 2008 and as Chairman of the Sustainability Leadership Team from 2002 to 2008. These prestigious national leadership appointments by each successive NACo President reflected Bob’s nationally recognized leadership as a proponent of responsible land use management techniques, transportation and affordable housing strategies.

Councilman Bob & Cindy Weiner with their Pomeranian pup, Shayna
Councilman Bob & Cindy Weiner with their Pomeranian pup, Shayna

He is an attorney by profession engaged in the general practice of law in Wilmington, Delaware. Weiner is a 1972 Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of Delaware with a B.A. in political science. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1975. He is an associate with the law firm of Fox Rothschild LLP.

His wife, Cindy, is founder and owner of Celebrity Kitchens in Wilmington, Delaware. He has two daughters, Ellen and Rachel, who like their dad, graduated from Brandywine High School.

Other Posts Held:

1967 Brandywine High School Varsity Soccer Team
1966 Brandywine High School Varsity Soccer Team

Bob paid his own way through college and law school working a number of part time jobs. From summer 1969 through summer 1973, Bob drove a Jack and Jill ice cream truck, servicing Brandywine Hundred neighborhoods.
Bob paid his own way through college and law school working a number of part time jobs.
From summer 1969 through summer 1973, Bob drove a Jack and Jill ice cream truck,
servicing Brandywine Hundred neighborhoods.

From 1980 to 1987 Bob produced and hosted Focus Delaware, a weekly entertainment TV show on Rollins Cablevision Channel 2 and WTGI Channel 61. Here is a 1981 newspaper article about the show (click to read the entire article):

10/5/1981 Evening Journal Article

In 1989, as CCOBH Zoning Chair, Bob organized a series of seminars to help community leaders learn about the zoning process:



Bob enjoys barbershop and doo wop style singing and performs whenever he can. While visiting New York City in 2015 he got a chance to perform an impromptu version of "Under The Boardwalk" on Bleecker Street in Greenwich Village with “Cover Story”:


Important Safety Tips
File a Property Complaint
Report a Pothole to DelDOT
NCC Open Checkbook
Presentations to Council
NCC Council Video
New Castle County Finances
NCC Public Safety
Stoltz Developments
Other Development Proposals
NCC Clearwater Disconnect Program
Brandywine 100 History
Anti-Graffiti Brigade
Talley Day Bark Park

Latest News:
  Brandywine Hundred County Library is open with socially distancing safe door-to-door delivery takeout service
  Walker's Bank deemed unsafe, will be demolished
  Councilman announces details of redevelopment at former AstraZeneca site

New Castle County Comprehensive Plan
How to Attend a County Council Meeting
Info on Planning Board Public Hearings
Time Limits For Speakers And
Standards For Review Of Applications
Directions to Reads Way



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Latest News:
  Brandywine Hundred County Library is open with socially distancing safe door-to-door delivery takeout service
  Walker's Bank deemed unsafe, will be demolished
  Councilman announces details of redevelopment at former AstraZeneca site
Upcoming events:
County Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings of each month
"There was such a lack of oversight from the previous council. The only people who questioned anything were Chris Coons and Bob Weiner."

John Flaherty
Formerly associated with Common Cause of Delaware

Paid for by Friends of Bob Weiner - - (302) 468-6024 - Volunteer - Contribute
Friends of Bob Weiner is the political candidate committee that accepts contributions on behalf of New Castle County Councilman Robert S. Weiner.

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