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Council seeks to override veto of staff pay increases - News Journal

“I believe that council's staff is already well paid when you factor in the benefits,” said Councilman Bob Weiner, who echoed Gordon’s concerns about the precedent it would set before union negotiations for other employee contracts.

Council seeks to override veto of staff pay increases

Xerxes Wilson, The News Journal 7:02 p.m. EDT April 12, 2015

The New Castle County Council on Tuesday will debate overriding Executive Tom Gordon’s veto of council staff pay increases.

In March, the council passed legislation that would provide a cost of living increase for some veteran members of the council’s 34-member staff. The following week, Gordon vetoed the legislation, citing concerns about the precedent it would set for some 1,500 other county workers not under the council.

“Everybody deserves a second chance, even the council members who voted no,” Councilman George Smiley said. “I think it needs to be done and I’m not sure why people voted the way they did. It was close enough to go for an override.”

The ordinance passed at the March 10 meeting with eight in support, four against and one not voting. Supporters will need 10 approving votes in support to override the veto.

The legislation would have provided a pay increase commensurate with increases in cost of living in New Castle County to council staff members who have reached the top of the current 10-step pay plan. Council staff members have been eligible for 5 percent pay increases each of their first 10 annual steps subject to performance reviews.

Smiley said 10 staff members are at the tenth pay step, some whose wages have been stagnate for years.

The County Council’s staff includes legislative aides to each of the council members, the council’s policy director, counsel to council, the council clerk and her deputy, a receptionist and the county auditor. The county auditor's pay is also subject to oversight from the audit council.

The council’s legislative aides make between $41,000 and $61,000 each year depending on their progress through the pay plan.

Last year, annual salaries were $141,000 for counsel to council, $91,000 for policy director and council clerk, $67,000 for deputy clerk, and $43,000 for council secretary.

In justifying his veto, Gordon wrote that 60 percent of all county employees are at or above step 10. He also noted 87 percent of county’s 1,435-person full-time workforce hold union membership, though none of their pay plans include such cost of living increases as proposed for council staff.

“I believe that council's staff is already well paid when you factor in the benefits,” said Councilman Bob Weiner, who echoed Gordon’s concerns about the precedent it would set before union negotiations for other employee contracts.

The county also has 145 part-time employees represented by unions. Gordon said negotiations with all employee unions are set to take place over the coming months.

“I’m not saying they are not deserving, but maybe doing a cost of living is not the way to go about it,” Gordon said.

Smiley has argued that, historically, one set of employees receiving a contract benefit doesn't automatically lead to that benefit spreading to other employees.

The council meeting is at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Louis L. Redding City/County Building at 800 French St. in Wilmington.

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