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NCCPD Announces Strict Enforcement for Speeders on Old Kennett Road

New Castle County Police would like to warn drivers who travel on Old Kennett Road that due to the prevalence of speeders there will be strict enforcement and zero tolerance when it comes to traffic violations occurring on this roadway.  

In recent months, citizens that reside in the area of Old Kennett Road, in the areas of Snuff Mill Road and Ashland Clinton School Road, have been complaining of numerous speeders on Old Kennett Road that are causing a traffic hazard for other motorist attempting to access Old Kennett Road from Snuff Mill Road and/or their driveways. 

The Traffic Services Unit has been assigned to the location and from January 25th through March 5th they issued 119 citations and since, have written an additional 97 tickets for traffic violation occurring on Old Kennett Road mostly due to drivers speeding on the roadway. There have not been any traffic crashes on the roadway since they started the enforcement efforts.  

The unit will continue to patrol the area while using strict enforcement in an attempt to resolve the issue. This is a heavily traveled roadway and citizens living in the vicinity, not only feel unsafe when exiting their driveways, but they are extremely concerned for the welfare of children and other drivers in the area.  

Last month on Sunday (02/17), an 18-year-old Wilmington woman was killed in a one-vehicle crash, which occurred over the Delaware-Pennsylvania line in Kennett Township, Chester County according to Pennsylvania State Police. The female driver was traveling westbound on Old Kennett Road east of Burnt Mill Road when she failed to negotiate a left curve, left the roadway and hit a tree, she was pronounced dead at the scene.  According to police speed may have been a contributing factor in the crash. 

Colonel Setting states, “Sometimes because of other calls for police service, a vigilant police presence is not always able to be maintained in some of the more remote sections of our County.  We are committed to providing service to all communities and we have heard this area’s plea for help.  We are asking that every motorist traveling on Old Kennett Road to be civically responsible by obeying the posted speed limit.  This will not only help to ensure their own safety but also the safety of other motorist, bicyclist and pedestrians who are sharing the road.  However, if our reminders to adhere to the traffic laws are not honored, we will continue our intensive enforcement efforts to protect those traveling in the area.”  

County Police are urging driver’s to slow down for their own safety as well as for the protection of others.

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  Brandywine Hundred County Library is open with socially distancing safe door-to-door delivery takeout service
  Walker's Bank deemed unsafe, will be demolished
  Councilman announces details of redevelopment at former AstraZeneca site
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"There was such a lack of oversight from the previous council. The only people who questioned anything were Chris Coons and Bob Weiner."

John Flaherty
Formerly associated with Common Cause of Delaware

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Friends of Bob Weiner is the political candidate committee that accepts contributions on behalf of New Castle County Councilman Robert S. Weiner.

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