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Councilman's innovative legislation removes 40% of AZ's rush hour traffic

Weiner legislation results in almost 40% modal shift from SOV's during peak rush hour in Route 202 corrodor by AZ

In 2000, New Castle County Councilman Bob Weiner spearheaded a year long initiative to draft the innovative Level of Service Waiver Mitigation and Monitoring Agreement because of his concern about additional traffic in the Route 202 corridor as a consequence of the then pending Astra Zeneca rezoning. The final adopted joint agreement with the State Department of Transportation and New Castle County required companies, such as Astra Zeneca, located in clogged roadway systems to commit to adopt strategies to shift at least 15% of their employees out of single occupancy vehicles (SOV's) during peak rush hours. Astra Zeneca acheived an unprecedented 40% modal shift out of SOV's during peak rush hours. As a consequence, the additional traffic of 5000 Astra Zeneca employees has not resulted in worsened traffic load in the Route 202 corridor in Brandywine Hundred. As a consequence, Astra Zeneca employees and area residents enjoy a better quality of life, cleaner air and less traffic congestion. Astra Zeneca employees employ a multitude of strategies to achieve this mandated modal shift, including shuttle van rides, ride sharing, ride sharing fairs, telecommuting, staggered work hours and shortened work weeks. Also, employees are encouraged to bike and walk to work.
News Release

September 27, 2004
For Immediate Release
Contact: Tammy Ford
TMA Delaware
(302) 658-9001 x15


Receives Awards for Transportation Program Excellence
Wilmington, DE (September 27, 2004) -- The Transportation Management Association of Delaware (TMA Delaware) announces today that long-time organization member, AstraZeneca, received 2 awards at the September 20th Association for Commuter Transportation Annual International Conference recently held in New Orleans, Louisiana. Awards were received in two categories: The first award was in the "Outstanding Service Award / Private Sector" category, which recognized AstraZeneca's success for achieving an almost 40% reduction in single occupant vehicles coming to the worksite during peak commuting hours. "AstraZeneca has demonstrated that commuter transportation programs such as carpooling, vanpooling, and compressed work weeks really work, " says TMA Delaware Executive Director Roger Roy. Over 210 AstraZeneca employees alone are currently registered with RideShare Delaware's statewide carpool program and are actively using carpools, vanpools or transit shuttles to get to work.

Doris Pudlo, AstraZeneca's Transportation Coordinator, received the second award in the "Leadership Award for Non-Elected Individual" category. Ms. Pudlo leads the way in putting together worksite transportation programs that enable AstraZeneca employees to commute to work in a stress-free and cost-effective manner. Her diligence in providing programs that all employees can take advantage of, and promoting them daily, helped the organization achieve their traffic reduction requirement as designated by New Castle County prior to their building expansion. Ms. Pudlo is a tireless transportation advocate who practices what she preaches to her employees, by carpooling to work on a regular basis.

The TMA submitted both awards on behalf of AstraZeneca and Ms. Pudlo and appreciate the recognition by the majority of the Association for Commuter Transportation professionals who awarded the nominations.

The Association for Commuter Transportation is North America's most respected association for professionals who specialize in commute options and solutions as well as organizations, business and individuals interested in creating a more workable transportation system. Together with employers and government agencies, ACT works to create programs, services and products that help reduce traffic congestion, increase mobility, and improve air quality.

TMA Delaware, the Transportation Management Association of Delaware, is a non-profit organization dedicated to achieving reductions in traffic congestion, improving mobility and air quality, and educating employers and their employees about transportation alternatives. TMA Delaware works in partnership with our members, DART First State, DelDOT and other agencies committed to finding transportation solutions.

For additional information on other Delaware commuting programs, visit TMA Delaware's website at or call (302) 658-9001


Office of Councilman Robert S. Weiner
New Castle County Council
Louis J. Redding City County Building
800 N. French Street
Wilmington, DE 19801-3590
(302) 571-7528


(Wilmington, Delaware)—"An innovative agreement to establish and monitor traffic mitigation measures aimed at protecting the citizenry from uncontrolled road degradation while allowing for desirable growth is nearing completion by New Castle County, Delaware and the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT)" said County Council Land Use Chairman Robert S. Weiner. "I believe that the principles of this unique agreement already have proven key in crafting traffic mitigation agreements for two very important and very large projects in Delaware - the expansions of the work sites for AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals (AZ) and the DuPont Company Experimental Station. We now have strategies in place to ensure that these important growth and employment opportunities for our state will occur without significant degradation to the quality of life for our citizens" Weiner added.

"For almost two years, County officials, the Delaware Department of Transportation, the Delaware Economic Development Office (DEDO), the Transportation Management Association (TMA) and countless citizens have labored to create an agreement to ensure that a meaningful system of follow-up monitoring and enforcement is in place to protect against uncontrolled degradation of our roadway systems and quality of life when Level of Service waivers are granted. I am pleased to have been part of that effort and proud to sponsor the resolution that will make this effort the law of the land in New Castle County", Weiner added.

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  Walker's Bank deemed unsafe, will be demolished
  Councilman announces details of redevelopment at former AstraZeneca site

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  Brandywine Hundred County Library is open with socially distancing safe door-to-door delivery takeout service
  Walker's Bank deemed unsafe, will be demolished
  Councilman announces details of redevelopment at former AstraZeneca site
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"In my opinion, his greatest strengths are proactivity, tenacity, vision, knowledge and complete devotion to promoting the best interests of not only his district but the county as a whole."

State Senator Cathy Cloutier

Paid for by Friends of Bob Weiner - - (302) 468-6024 - Volunteer - Contribute
Friends of Bob Weiner is the political candidate committee that accepts contributions on behalf of New Castle County Councilman Robert S. Weiner.

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