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Stoltz Management under fire for tree-trimming mistake - Community News

By Adam Zewe
Community News
Posted Jan 26, 2010 @ 09:42 AM
Last update Jan 26, 2010 @ 12:17 PM
Greenville, Del. —

The issue:

Stoltz Management damaged five trees in the DelDOT Right of Way in mid-December by “topping” them, a process in which large branches or trunks are removed from the top of a tree’s canopy, according to a letter from DelDOT obtained by the Community News.

The trees, in front of Greenville Center, cost $2,500 and were installed by the Kennett Pike Association as a beautification project, said John R. Danzeisen, KPA president. The KPA was paying for the trees’ maintenance, he said.

All five trees have been damaged beyond repair, according to DelDOT’s letter, and the state has asked Stoltz to replace the trees or pay $2,500 so they can be reinstalled.

The trees were pruned by mistake, said Stoltz spokesman Tom Gailey. Trees at Greenville Center are pruned to preserve line of sight, he said, but the company’s landscaper, Brogan Landscaping, did not realize those five trees were in the DelDOT Right of Way and being maintained by the KPA.

What the KPA is saying:

“Our members and our landscaping volunteers are furious, and we thank DelDOT for rightfully calling Stoltz to task. To me, this incident, taken together with their proposals to construct towering buildings at Greenville Center and Barley Mill Plaza with absolutely no regard or sensitivity for the rights of property owners who border their sites, or the value of preserving the beauty and heritage of this National Scenic Byway treasure, shows Stoltz’ true colors --- and the only shade of green they seem to be interested in is the color of money!” said John R. Danzeisen, KPA president.

Stoltz responds:

“I think that’s probably overstating it. It was an honest mistake. It wasn’t done to disregard anyone’s property rights,” said Tom Gailey, Stoltz spokesman. “We will do whatever the state or KPA requests in terms of replacement or paying for replacement of the trees.”


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