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Cumbersome Foulk and Wilson Road intersection to get facelift - Community News

By Jesse Chadderdon
Community News

Brandywine Hundred, Del. —

Anyone who's ever darted through oncoming traffic to grab a cup of coffee at the Wawa or fill up at the Exxon there knows first hand just how tricky the intersection at Foulk and Wilson roads can be.

With two major Brandywine Hundred arteries criss-crossing at a sharp diagonal, popular business straddling the intersection and heavy residential traffic as well, it's a busy – and sometimes dangerous – place.

The Delaware Department of Transportation took notice of some of the problems there back in 2003, adding the intersection to its list of Highway Safety Improvement Projects. Six years later, it's finally in the queue for a makeover.

"There are a lot of conflicting movements there," said DelDOT Project Manager Joe Hofstee. "We're looking at improvements that will reduce accidents and improve access to some of the businesses there."

In the last three years alone, 45 accidents have plagued the intersection, leading to 11 injuries and one death – many caused by the lack of designated turn lanes in the area.

Aside from more minor curbing and striping improvements, four significant changes are being proposed:
• A new designated left turn lane on southbound Foulk Road to Wilson Road.
• A new median on Foulk Road to restrict turning movements in and out of Fairfax Boulevard.
• A new median along Wilson Road to eliminate left turns out of the Exxon Station.
• Aligning travel lanes on Wilson and Murphy roads.
• A more focused, designated entrance and exit for the Wawa.

Hofstee said that while the project is on the books, construction likely won’t begin until 2012. When it does, he anticipates it taking about a quarter to complete.

Rep. Greg Lavelle (R-Sharpley) said the project is being done at the urging of DelDOT, and not because of any overwhelming outcry from local businesses or residents. He was hopeful, however, that the work could be a prelude to sidewalk improvements on Foulk Road between the Blue Ball Barn and Lombardy Elementary School that he and others in the General Assembly have long lobbied for.

Foulk & Wilson Road
Crash History

45 crashes in three years
11 injuries
1 fatality

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"I am continually astounded at Councilman Bob Weiner’s ability to keep on top of everything and be so thorough; bringing his extensive knowledge to bear in a clear and productive manner. I and others I know appreciate his vigilance and guidance on our behalf. "

Judy Magee

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