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Neighbors Rally to Tackle Greenville/Centreville Graffiti

On Saturday morning, May 23, concerned neighbors of the Stonewold community gathered to address a growing local problem: ugly, unsightly graffiti that mars road signs, trees and fences along beautiful country lanes including Barley Mill and Centerville Roads.

Local anti-graffiti brigade co-leaders Charles Stirk and William Wheatley were on hand to train the Stonewold residents on graffiti cleaning tactics and methods, including the need to work safely along the curvy nearby roads.

“We’ve got real momentum locally in addressing this problem as more and more citizens in the community get involved and learn how to take action into their own hands,” said Stirk, president of the Brookland Terrace Civic Club.  “With sustained, coordinated effort, we can really make a positive impact sign-by-sign, street-by-street.”

The Stonewold crew cleaned street signs, guardrails and trees along Barley Mill Road, Centerville Road, Rte. 82/Campbell Road and Owl’s Nest Road.

Kirsten Hauer and her daughter Ava spent the morning driving along Barley Mill Road carefully cleaning road signs.  "I live and work in this community and don't like seeing this every day on my way to the office," said Hauer.  "This was a great way to chip in and address a real scourge on our beautiful landscape."

Michael Fleming, an organizer of the effort, said in years past his neighbors had gathered for traditional community cleanups but this year wanted to focus on fighting graffiti.  “We’re blessed to live in such a beautiful area and the senseless graffiti is so ugly and unsightly, it cannot be ignored.  This was a great way for neighbors to get together and try and make a dent in a nasty problem.”

“I commend these efforts and others like them across our community,” said County Councilman Bob Weiner, a leader in the fight against graffiti in Brandywine Hundred and Greenville.  “By getting engaged and working together citizens can have a real impact in turning back this blight on our streets, shopping centers and neighborhoods.”

Chuck Stirk recommends simple ways everyone can address this growing problem:
-If you see graffiti, quickly call it in to the Police or DelDOT.
-Graffiti needs to be cleaned quickly; the longer it sits, the harder it is to clean.
-Safe, natural cleaning products are available at local hardware stores.
-Stay clear of Del- Dot Traffic Control Devises , power lines, utility boxes, etc.

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  Brandywine Hundred County Library is open with socially distancing safe door-to-door delivery takeout service
  Walker's Bank deemed unsafe, will be demolished
  Councilman announces details of redevelopment at former AstraZeneca site
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"There was such a lack of oversight from the previous council. The only people who questioned anything were Chris Coons and Bob Weiner."

John Flaherty
Formerly associated with Common Cause of Delaware

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Friends of Bob Weiner is the political candidate committee that accepts contributions on behalf of New Castle County Councilman Robert S. Weiner.

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