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Boys detention center could join Councilman Weiner's community lead fight against graffiti - Community News

By Jesse Chadderdon
Community News

Greenville/Brandywine Hundred, DE

There could soon be a new partner in the war against graffiti.

The Camelot Home for Boys, a staff-secured detention center in Bellefonte, is in negotiations with county and state officials about having its kids help clean up Greenville and Brandywine Hundred.

Many of the boys housed at Camelot are required to perform community service as part of their court-ordered probations, and Executive Director John Fiske said a member of his staff read about clean-up efforts and thought it would be a perfect fit. The privately-owned home, under contract with the Division of Youth Rehabilitative Services, houses 29 boys aged 10 through 18.

"We try to do everything we can to show these young men how they can interact and help in the community," Fiske said.
Councilman Robert Weiner (R-Chatham), who helped establish three clean-up brigades in his Brandywine Hundred and Greenville-area district in 2007, said he'd welcome Camelot's participation.

"The public will be well-served when these youths -- some of whom have been involved in destructive property damage through graffiti -- learn good citizenship through eradicating graffiti," Weiner said.

Weiner is expected to meet with Camelot officials soon to discuss procedures and liability. State and county attorney reviews would also be required, Weiner said.

Once approved, the boys would form their own brigade, focusing on nearby neighborhoods under Camelot staff supervision, Fiske said.

Weiner said he welcomes any organization that would like to help paint over graffiti. Each brigade has 10-12 active volunteers that can be augmented by a Boy Scout, church or other organizations.


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"Bob Weiner is one of the best advocates for Brandywine Hundred that I've ever had the pleasure of knowing with his friendly demeanor and well-spoken thoughts. Anyone going into political science or law would be lucky to be mentored by someone like Bob. They'd certainly be a better person for it. All of us in Tavistock appreciate all his support."

Don Thureau
President, Tavistock Civic Association

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Friends of Bob Weiner is the political candidate committee that accepts contributions on behalf of New Castle County Councilman Robert S. Weiner.

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