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Bob Weiner
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Brandywine Hundred sewer upgrade approved, NCC avoids millions in EPA fines - News Journal

New Castle County Council voted Tuesday to spend $1.45 million on sewer maintenance to help its aging infrastructure meet newer wastewater guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency. The money will come out of the county's sewer reserve account to fund the first year of the program. The county will raise the sewer rate by 5 percent next year to pay for the rest of the program, officials said. One goal of the program is to close the last remaining sewer outfall to the Delaware River. Raw sewage that has been diluted by rainwater is released from the pipe into the river when the sewer system is overwhelmed during heavy storms. The EPA fined the county $100,000 earlier this year for its overflow. The vote was 11-2 with Councilmen David Tackett and Jea Street dissenting.

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NCC Open Checkbook
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New Castle County Finances
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Stoltz Developments
Other Development Proposals
NCC Clearwater Disconnect Program
Brandywine 100 History
Anti-Graffiti Brigade
Talley Day Bark Park

Latest News:
  Brandywine Hundred County Library is open with socially distancing safe door-to-door delivery takeout service
  Walker's Bank deemed unsafe, will be demolished
  Councilman announces details of redevelopment at former AstraZeneca site

New Castle County Comprehensive Plan
How to Attend a County Council Meeting
Info on Planning Board Public Hearings
Time Limits For Speakers And
Standards For Review Of Applications
Directions to Reads Way



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Latest News:
  Brandywine Hundred County Library is open with socially distancing safe door-to-door delivery takeout service
  Walker's Bank deemed unsafe, will be demolished
  Councilman announces details of redevelopment at former AstraZeneca site
Upcoming events:
County Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings of each month
"I am grateful for Bob's decade-long support for the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail, which follows Philadelphia Pike and Market Street into Wilmington. His presence and influence at the birth of our Delaware organization to develop this trail and to have it designated as a National Historic Trail was a key factor in keeping our hopes for the trail alive and growing."

Ralph D. Nelson, Jr.
2009-10 Chair of the W3R-US and W3R-DE

Paid for by Friends of Bob Weiner - - (302) 468-6024 - Volunteer - Contribute
Friends of Bob Weiner is the political candidate committee that accepts contributions on behalf of New Castle County Councilman Robert S. Weiner.

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