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Councilman Bob Weiner reappointed to national leadership positions

Contact: Jim Philipps -- 202-942-4220 --
October 20, 2006

National Association of Counties reappoints
Robert S. Weiner
to national committee leadership positions

WASHINGTON, D.C. – National Association of Counties’ (NACo) President Colleen Landkamer, Commissioner, Blue Earth County, Minn., has reappointed New Castle County, Delaware Councilman Robert S. Weiner as Chair of NACo’s Sustainability Leadership Team and Chair of the Association’s Land Use and Growth Management Subcommittee.

Weiner has now been selected by seven successive NACo Presidents to serve in the key national leadership position of Land Use and Growth Management Subcommittee Chair since 2000 and by five consecutive Presidents to serve as Sustainability Leadership Team Chair since 2002.

When asked to reflect upon his many years of national service, he observed: “It is a distinct privilege and an honor to continue to have the opportunity to serve both the citizens of New Castle County and the country in these prestigious national leadership roles. While I always place my duty to my constituents first, I have learned lessons and skills from my national leadership positions, which have enabled me to benefit our community. Employing these skill sets and knowledge, I am proud of having spearheaded the Claymont Renaissance and of helping to rewrite our New Castle County growth management code, which both protect our environment while spurring economic development and enhancing social equity.”

The Sustainability Leadership Team assists county officials in pursuing effective development practices which balance the need for economic property, environmental stewardship and social equity. Its mission includes encouraging community and stakeholder collaboration and working across governmental lines to foster multi-jurisdictional and public-private partnerships for community enhancement.

The Land Use and Growth Management Subcommittee is a subcommittee of the Environment, Energy and Land Use Steering Committee, which sets NACo policy on all matters pertaining to air, water, and noise pollution control; solid and hazardous waste management and disposal; the preservation and proper utilization of water resources; energy; and the use of land resources, including comprehensive planning, coastal zone management, growth management, energy facilities sitting, and recreation.

“NACo is pleased and grateful that Councilman Weiner will continue to help lead us in our efforts to ensure that the priorities and needs of the nation’s counties are heard in Washington, D.C.,” Landkamer said.

Weiner was also re-appointed to serve as a member of NACo’s Watershed Management Advisory Committee.

Weiner, who was first elected to New Castle County in 1996, served as New Castle County Council Land Use Committee Chair from 1996 to 2003. He sponsored and assisted in rewriting New Castle County’s land use, transportation and environmental protection laws as part of the New Castle County Unified Development Code, recognized nationally as one of the best smart growth codes in the country.

His current New Castle County Council positions include co-chairmanship of the Economic Development Subcommittee and membership on the Community Services Committee, Council Personnel Committee, Land Use Committee, Public Safety Committee, Finance Committee, Special Services Committee, and Executive Committee.

Councilman Weiner practices law in Wilmington, Delaware with Fox Rothschild LLP, which has offices across the country. He is a 1972 Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of Delaware. He graduated from Temple Law School in 1975.

With headquarters on Capitol Hill, NACo is the only national organization that represents county governments. With an all-time record of more than 2,200 member counties, the association serves as a national advocate for counties, acts as a liaison with other levels of government and provides counties with resources to help them find innovative methods to serve the public.

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"There was such a lack of oversight from the previous council. The only people who questioned anything were Chris Coons and Bob Weiner."

John Flaherty
Formerly associated with Common Cause of Delaware

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Friends of Bob Weiner is the political candidate committee that accepts contributions on behalf of New Castle County Councilman Robert S. Weiner.

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