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Bob Weiner
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Councilman Bob Weiners 25 year record of leadership in establishing Blue Ball Park  
6/22/2007 - RE: Can Do Playground Ribbon Cutting
I accept the gracious invitation to attend the event.
No project of this magnitude can succeed without the dedicated efforts of many groups and individuals. The Rotary Clubs and the State of Delaware are to be applauded for their inspiring leadership and initiative in bringing this project to fruition.
I note that the press releases tout the contributions of the Governors office and the State of Delaware but make no mention of the critical role played by Delaware Greenways, New Castle County and the Council of Civic Organizations of Brandywine Hundred (CCOBH) leadership over the last 25 plus years as well.
Delaware Greenways provided the leadership for the creation of the Blue Ball Park; now named Alapocas State Park. Under the leadership of Gail Van Gilder and Edith Carlson, we all fought together to prevent this site from becoming another regional mall.
I am pleased to have been the source of the original suggestion of the Alapocas State Park site for the Can Do Playground to the Rotary. The late Phil Cloutier, Tom Croft and I also co-authored the original 1983 deed restrictions which had the effect of keeping the 320 acres of Blue Ball land undeveloped for 20 years. The key provision was, at the time, cutting edge. Simply stated: no development shall be permitted unless there is adequate roadway infrastructure. The late Phil Cloutier, Tom Croft and I represented CCOBH in negotiations with Blue Ball Properties in connection with this historic negotiation. Few folks today are aware of the critical importance of that 1983 event. Without those deed restrictions, there would be NO Astra Zeneca, NO Alapocas Park and NO Greenway connections across Concord Pike. Later, as New Castle County Councilman, (and with State Representative Roger Roys assistance) I cajoled New Castle County Council to hold the Astra Zeneca rezoning hostage until the State Legislature agreed to front end load the $140 million funding for the Blue Ball roadways, parks and greenways. Never before had a 7 year project received approval for 100% up front funding. I also co-authored with Roger Roy the cutting edge legislation entitled the New Castle County Level of Service Mitigation and Monitoring Agreement. This compact as between New Castle County and the State of Delaware is singularly responsible for Astra Zenecas shifting of almost 40% of its employees out of their single occupancy vehicles during peak rush hour.
I look forward to attending the event.
Best wishes. Bob Weiner, your County Councilman
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  Walker's Bank deemed unsafe, will be demolished
  Councilman announces details of redevelopment at former AstraZeneca site
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"Our Claymont Renaissance wouldn't be where it is without Bob Weiner's tireless effort."

George Lossé
Former President, Claymont Community Coalition

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Friends of Bob Weiner is the political candidate committee that accepts contributions on behalf of New Castle County Councilman Robert S. Weiner.

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