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Bob Weiner
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Brandywine Innkeepers, Inc - Northwest corner of Concord Pike and Garden of Eden Road (4000 Concord Pike)  


6/24/11 Update

In our effort to keep you up to date on what is happening in your neighborhood,  I am sending to you an update we have received from Susan Bratton, Senior Regional Real Estate Manager for WAWA .  It is listed below.   We are also providing an electronic copy of the plans for your review and comment.

From: Bratton, Susan M.
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 5:40 PM
To: Bob Weiner
Subject: Rte 202 and Garden of Eden Road

Here is an update on the progress of our new store planned at Rte 202 and Garden of Eden Road.

There will be a resubmission of our plans to the County before the end of the Month.  We have successfully incorporated the comments of the County Land Use Department through modifications to the plans which I will have forwarded for your presentation on your website.  In addition we have increased the size of the proposed fence separating the project and the JCC to accommodate their request of (10) ten feet.  That will require a variance and we will submit for same as appropriate.

Regarding our traffic studies, we have been working with Deldot on the scope of our study which I believe has been determined.  You should be seeing information gatherers at various points on the road networks over the next couple of weeks as well.  Once we have reviewed the data, our traffic engineer will prepare the necessary documentation in accordance with DelDot guidelines and standards.

I am out of the office next week and will request our engineer provide you a copy of the resubmission plan.  As always, should you have an questions, I am available

Susan M. Bratton, CCIM
Senior Regional Real Estate Manager
Wawa, Inc
260 West Baltimore Pike
Wawa, PA 19063
Cell:  610-812-7288


Wawa has accepted my invitation to make a presentation to our community to describe its plans and address community concerns.

Susan M. Bratton, CCIM, Senior Regional Real Estate Manager, Wawa, Inc and Leslie Morgan, Brandywine Innkeepers, the hotel owner, along with Wawa’s engineer, will make a presentation and answer questions.  Ms Bratton advised that Wawa anticipates a Spring 2012 start of demolition, with a fall 2012 opening

WHAT:  Community Meeting – Redevelopment of Site at Corner of Concord Pike and Garden of Eden Road  -  4000 Concord Pike (Site of Quality Inn)
WHEN: Wednesday May 18, 2011 at 6 PM
WHERE: Brandywine Town Center Community Center

The News Journal Saturday Legal Notices dated April 16, 2011 lists a new plan [submitted by Brandywine Innkeepers, Inc] as received by the New Castle County Land Use Department, for the northwest corner of Concord Pike and Garden of Eden Road. 

Information is posted to the County website at:

The April 16, 2011 Saturday News Journal Legal Notice contained the following information: Northwesterly corner of Concord Pike and Garden of Eden Road Intersection. Minor Land Development Plan to redevelop existing site with 6,099 convenience with 8 gas pumps. 11,970 square feet retail pharmacy and 1,000 square feet single story medical office. Garden of Eden Shopping Center. CR Zoning. (Application 2011-0201-S).

“Minor plans” are considered “by right” plans which do not come before New Castle County Council for discretionary or ministerial approvals. Once the Land Use Department determines that there is “technical compliance” with the New Castle County Unified Development Code, the plan receives administrative approval from the Land Use Department. Minor plans obtain all requisite approvals in only a few months, unless delayed by unusual circumstances.

Since this plan is deemed to be a “redevelopment plan”, no traffic study or Planning Board hearing is required. The County Land Use Department’s legal interpretation is that public input directed to preventing approval of the project is inappropriate.

I had previously learned that Wawa intends to locate a new facility on this parcel. See prior information about Wawa’s plans, advertised by Metro Commercial Real Estate Inc

It is my intention to invite Wawa to a community meeting to describe its plans and address community concerns.

Questions and information: contact my Council office, the County Land Use Department at 395-5400 or .  

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Latest News:
  Brandywine Hundred County Library is open with socially distancing safe door-to-door delivery takeout service
  Walker's Bank deemed unsafe, will be demolished
  Councilman announces details of redevelopment at former AstraZeneca site

New Castle County Comprehensive Plan
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Info on Planning Board Public Hearings
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Standards For Review Of Applications
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Latest News:
  Brandywine Hundred County Library is open with socially distancing safe door-to-door delivery takeout service
  Walker's Bank deemed unsafe, will be demolished
  Councilman announces details of redevelopment at former AstraZeneca site
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"I can't thank Bob enough for his prompt response to even the smallest insignificant issues. I am truly thankful that he is is our County Councilman."

Nancy Stone
Concord Hills Civic Association

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Friends of Bob Weiner is the political candidate committee that accepts contributions on behalf of New Castle County Councilman Robert S. Weiner.

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